Welcome to 1:1 Tutoring!
Course Description
Each language learning journey is different. When a learner has no prior background knowledge of a language, it can simple to start learning in a well structured course sequence. However, there are students who already have prior knowledge, or have a very specific goal in mind that differs enough from what average courses offer. This might be assistance with a college course in Korea, or the need to prepare for a business trip with Korean clients or even take a trip to Korea. Whatever the case may be, a custom-tailored learning approach is more ideal than a traditional course sequence. If this sounds like what you are looking for, you have come to the right place! While Survival Korean is designed as several course series, which primarily are intended for novices or lower-level learners, we can still provided upper level instruction through 1:1 private tutoring. If you feel this is best for you, take a moment to read what we offer, as well as to think of any questions you would like to ask us before officially signing up and paying for lessons. This last step is really only needed prior to the start of the lesson itself
Survival Korean 1:1 Tutoring
Contact Us
Please contact us to schedule a time and place to meet (virtually or in person) for your session. Once this is decided, please proceed with enrollment and paying the session fee. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance in order to receive a refund.