Beautiful Course Pages
We were genuine when we said that we take course design seriously, and that online courses can in fact be beautiful and easy to use. We also said that, compared to other available resources, we are uniquely qualified to design, develop, deliver (and ultimately teach) Survival Korean courses; we are not only career educators, but professionals in educational technology. Moreoever, we have the requisite skills in web design and information and communications technology to bring you the best research-backed approaches to learning both online and at a distance. We have spent hundreds of hours designing, coding, and ultimately developing the courses that we offer. Don't just take our word for it, check out just a small preview of what they look like!
Our course home pages introduce each lesson with basic background to orient you to the learning context, directions for starting the main lesson content, and the links you need to access everything in each module. Moreover, they work great on mobile phones so you can take your learning with you on the go if you prefer to not sit at a desktop or laptop.